The issue of cassava bags pros and cons is something that we need to consider. It is especially true if you are interested in using this environmentally friendly product as soon as possible.
Some entrepreneurs in Indonesia have succeeded in producing environmentally friendly plastic or biodegradable plastic made from cassava. This product is better known as cassava bags.
This discovery can be a powerful solution to the problem of plastic waste in the world. But this can only happen if the use of cassava bags is successfully normalized as a substitute for the common plastic bags used today.

The Cassava Bags Pros and Cons
It is reasonable that every product always comes with its pros and cons. That is why; the cassava bags pros and cons are the things that you need to know. Here are the pros of this item:
1. Cassava bags are easily biodegradable
Based on research conducted by Sustainable Waste Indonesia (SWI), data was obtained that there are 1.3 million plastic waste per year that are not managed in landfills or recycled. This unmanaged waste will usually be buried in the ground or flow into the ocean.
Unlike plastic, cassava bags can decompose easily when stored in the soil. This product only takes about 180 days to decompose thoroughly and blend with the soil.
In addition, it can also be dissolved in water temperatures above 80 degrees Celsius in just a few minutes. That is why; it has become a great solution to save our nature.
2. Does not contain harmful substances
Plastic circulating in the community is generally made from fossil fuels that contain harmful substances and cause environmental pollution. This can cause greenhouse gas effects, cancer, nervous system disorders, pneumonia, and many more.
In contrast, cassava bags are made from organic ingredients such as cassava starch, vegetable oil derivatives, and biodegradable polymers. These materials are safe for our nature and don’t make pollution.
3. Renewable
As we know, the main ingredient of this item is cassava starch. In tropical countries like Indonesia, cassava is very easy to find and cultivate.
Farmers just need to cut the cassava stem and stick it into the ground, then the new plant will grow again. In addition, this thing also has resistance to disease so it is stronger than other crops.
Are There Any Cons to Consider?
So far, there are not any cons because this bag gives you good strength as well. The strength is similar to the common plastic bags that we always use.
The only cons is maybe sometimes it is still quite difficult to find this item. It is because a lot of people or stores out there don’t know about this bag yet. The abundant pros show that normalization of this cassava bag use is important.
That is why; learning from the pros and cons here shows us that it is better to change the common plastic bag with this item. This is especially true in many big cities in this world.
This normalization action can be only done if society takes an active role. Those are starting to use this cassava bags pros and cons and introducing this item to others.
For more information about cassava bags please contact: Whatsapp/Mobile Phone: +62 822 9933 3938 (Ms. Panni) or Email :