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In the world of aquaculture, the term geomembrane has become a familiar material. The reason is that geomembrane has often been used by farmers as the base for their ponds. Geomembrane is a polyethylene plastic layer that is known to have high durability, so its use can last quite a long time. Geomembranes are known to be better than tarpaulins and other plastics commonly used in aquaculture. Besides having high durability, Indonesian Geomembrane Anchor also has other benefits when used as a pond base. Here are some of the benefits of geomembrane on.

What are the Benefits of Indonesian Geomembrane Anchor?

  1. Prevent Pond Water Leaks

In general, ponds are made of soil ponds with high permeability. This turned out to have a high risk of air leakage. High permeability, allowing water in the pond to seep out. If left unchecked, the pond will gradually experience a decrease in air volume.

Well, it turns out that geomembrane can solve this problem. Because it has a low level of permeability, geomembrane has the ability to hold water from seeping out of the pond.

  1. Maintaining Water Quality

Water quality in ponds that use indonesia geomembrane anchor will last longer. This is because the geomembrane does not contain harmful additives or chemicals that can cause ponds. In addition, the geomembrane is also able to hold the pond subgrade to enter and enter the water.

Thus, water can be avoided properly. However, air control must still be carried out, because there are other factors that can increase air pollution, such as excessive feeding and the growth of algae in ponds.

  1. Low Maintenance Cost

Due to the high durability of the geomembrane, you do not need to carry out intensive maintenance, such as changing the pond bottom for every harvest. Such as the Rostek HDPE Geomembrane from the ISW Group, which has a warranty of up to 10 years. So you will save more on the repair budget. Not to mention, if you order Rostek HDPE geomembrane from the ISW Group, we will provide assistance if there are technical problems and damage to goods.

  1. Use period of geomembrane

The key to the useful life or durability of geomembrane plastic as a coating depends on the preparation and processing of the land. The better the preparation and processing of pond land, the longer the use of the plastic coating. One way to increase the use of geomembrane plastic as a base is to clean the pond soil from sharp and pointed objects so that the plastic does not tear.

This is called land preparation and processing. Indeed, torn plastic can still be overcome by heating and a torn seal. But it is better to prevent from repairing plastic that is torn by stones or sharp objects. This is where the importance of preparing and processing ponds before coating. With clean land, if a geomembrane plastic with a thickness of 300 microns is used, the period of use is about 3 years. If a geomembrane plastic is used with a thickness of 500 microns, then the service life can reach 5 years.

For more information about Geomembrane please contact: Whatsapp/Mobile Phone : +62 811 1721 338 (Ms. Ratna), or Email : [email protected].